Who should gather? Christians. Everywhere. Including in your Micro-communities. What is a Micro-community (Choose arrow, scroll right)
A Micro-community is people who are connected to each other.
An Extended Family A Workplace.
A third place like a coffee shop or a bar.
(scroll right)
As You Gather
The first time you gather or when you add people to your fellowship,
make sure you are on the same page.
Read through and make sure everyone affirms...
Cover a topic that honors God and reflects our unity. Suggestions:
Kingdom Standards. Over time, locate the references in the Bible. Seven Devotions. Each person can choose a foundation to grow in and discuss progress wtth the others. Fellowship Standards. Similar to above, as time passes, each person can choose an area to grow in and let others know their progress. Read Scripture together and discuss what it is saying to each person.
Discuss how to serve others, especially in your micro-community. Make a plan and work on your plan! Discuss how to help each person find and fulfill their special ministry calling. Discuss how each person can begin fellowshipping in their other micro-communities, at work, extended families, at the coffee shop, etc.
Breaking of Bread
Share life together and don't forget to plan fun things for to do together!
Pray Together
And, encourage each other as they are out and about to pray, right on the spot, with others who share needs and concerns.
Thank you
Building Fellowship
In your